27 Maxwell
02 Obeng
04 Westwoodyellow card
06 Williams
11 Taylor
15 Sinclair
18 Baynes
19 Fleming
25 Smith red card 51st minute - bad tackle
09 Taylor
10 Williams
01 Russell, 05 Assoumani, 07 Jones, 08 Taboubi, 14 Fairhurst, 17 Cieslewicz, 24 Wolfenden Swindon
01 Lucas
02 Cuthbert
03 Sheehan yellow card(O'Brien 65)
06 Greeryellow card
15 Amankwaah
19 Jean-Francois Lescinel
04 Douglas
07 McGovern
30 Ferry
09 Hutchinson yellow card (Peacock 58)
20 Paynter
12 Smith, 23 Thompson, 08 Easton, 10 Timlin, 18 O'Brien, 25 Marshall, 21 Peacock
Since Wrexham have been down to ten men it has been all Wrexham and Wrexham denied a penalty when a shot by Marc Williams hit the defender on the arm and every Wrexham player appealed for a penalty which tells you all you need to know as they always say look at the reactions of the players whenever a major decision is made and after having a penalty appeal denied Wrexham`s Wes Baynes went on a long run and shot which the Swindon keeper made the save of the season to keep the ball out and keep the score at 0-0.
At the moment it`s all Wrexham and wait for it, Swindon first real effort on goal from a corner is headed home by the Swindon captain after Marc Williams loses the ball. That just about sums him up for me. Williams is absolutely useless and Wrexham now with ten mins left and down to ten men are now going out of the Fa Cup due to Marc Williams giving the ball away. Get rid of the useless Williams now. We will not score with him on the pitch, he is a f--k--g joke and must be in love with Saunders and that`s why he is always picked.
- Full Time
- 90:00+4:42 The referee signals the end of the game.
- 87:48 Billy Paynter sends in a cross, Ashley Westwood manages to make a clearance.
- 85:35 Wes Baynes takes a outswinging corner from the right by-line to the near post, Lee Peacock manages to make a clearance.
- 84:41 Substitution Michael Timlin comes on in place of Jonathan Douglas.
82:26 Substitution Adrian Cieslewicz comes on in place of Neil Taylor.
Jon-Paul McGovern provided the assist for the goal.
79:21 GOAL - Gordon Greer:
Wrexham 0 - 1 Swindon Gordon Greer scores a headed goal from close in. Wrexham 0-1 Swindon.
Jon-Paul McGovern takes the inswinging corner,
The referee blows for offside against Gareth Taylor. Free kick taken by David Lucas.
Free kick awarded for a foul by Lescinel Jean-Francois on Gareth Taylor. Direct free kick taken by Ashley Westwood.
Marc Williams takes a shot. Save by David Lucas.
The assistant referee signals for offside against Lee Peacock. Chris Maxwell restarts play with the free kick.
The ball is delivered by Curtis Obeng, save by David Lucas.
Billy Paynter produces a right-footed shot from just outside the box that misses to the right of the target.
Andrew Fleming fouled by Simon Ferry, the ref awards a free kick. Direct free kick taken by Frank Sinclair.
Outswinging corner taken right-footed by Andrew Fleming from the right by-line to the near post, clearance made by Jonathan Douglas.
Wes Baynes takes a shot. Save made by David Lucas.
64:36 Substitution Alan Sheehan goes off and Alan O'Brien comes on.
Alan Sheehan takes a shot. Save made by Chris Maxwell.
Free kick awarded for a foul by Alan Sheehan on Andrew Fleming. Frank Sinclair takes the direct free kick.
Foul by Wes Baynes on Lescinel Jean-Francois, free kick awarded. Jon-Paul McGovern restarts play with the free kick.
Strike comes in from Wes Baynes from the free kick, save by David Lucas.
57:07 Substitution Ben Hutchinson goes off and Lee Peacock comes on.
57:07 Booking Gordon Greer receives a caution for unsporting behaviour.
Gordon Greer gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Gareth Taylor.
The ball is delivered by Jon-Paul McGovern, Billy Paynter takes a shot. Chris Maxwell makes a save.
Wes Baynes has an effort at goal from just inside the box that misses to the right of the target.
Free kick taken by Alan Sheehan.
51:37 Sent off Christian Smith sent off.
Christian Smith concedes a free kick for a foul on Jonathan Douglas.
Andrew Fleming gives away a free kick for an unfair challenge on Alan Sheehan. Free kick taken by David Lucas.
Christian Smith takes a shot. Save made by David Lucas.
Free kick awarded for a foul by Ben Hutchinson on Andrew Fleming. Direct free kick taken by Chris Maxwell.
The second half kicks off.
Half Time 45:00+3:12
The half-time whistle blows.
Free kick crossed right-footed by Wes Baynes, clearance by Scott Cuthbert.
45:00+0:51 Booking The referee shows Ashley Westwood a yellow card.
45:00+0:46 Booking Alan Sheehan booked.
Unfair challenge on Ashley Westwood by Alan Sheehan results in a free kick.
Neil Taylor produces a cross, Scott Cuthbert manages to make a clearance.
Header on goal by Neil Taylor from inside the box goes harmlessly over the target.
Free kick awarded for a foul by Mike Williams on Billy Paynter. David Lucas restarts play with the free kick.
The assistant referee flags for offside against Billy Paynter. Chris Maxwell takes the indirect free kick.
Lescinel Jean-Francois concedes a free kick for a foul on Wes Baynes. Wes Baynes crosses the ball from the free kick right-footed from right channel, Billy Paynter manages to make a clearance.
The ball is sent over by Jon-Paul McGovern, save made by Chris Maxwell.
Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Scott Cuthbert by Marc Williams. Direct free kick taken by Gordon Greer.
Curtis Obeng concedes a free kick for a foul on Alan Sheehan. Direct free kick taken by Alan Sheehan.
Ben Hutchinson is ruled offside. Chris Maxwell takes the free kick.
Centre by Wes Baynes.
Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Lescinel Jean-Francois by Marc Williams. Simon Ferry takes the free kick.
Jon-Paul McGovern produces a cross, clearance by Frank Sinclair.
Kevin Amankwaah delivers the ball, Frank Sinclair makes a clearance.
Scott Cuthbert concedes a free kick for a foul on Christian Smith. Chris Maxwell takes the free kick.
Alan Sheehan takes a outswinging corner.
Alan Sheehan takes a shot. Curtis Obeng gets a block in.
The ball is sent over by Christian Smith, clearance made by Jonathan Douglas.
Unfair challenge on Curtis Obeng by Alan Sheehan results in a free kick. Chris Maxwell takes the direct free kick.
Gordon Greer concedes a free kick for a foul on Marc Williams. Wes Baynes produces a strike on goal direct from the free kick, save by David Lucas.
Wes Baynes produces a cross.
Corner taken by Wes Baynes from the left by-line to the near post, clearance made by Jon-Paul McGovern.
Corner taken right-footed by Wes Baynes, Mike Williams takes a shot. Blocked by Scott Cuthbert.
Outswinging corner taken left-footed by Alan Sheehan, Christian Smith manages to make a clearance.
Ashley Westwood produces a header from inside the area that goes over the bar.
The assistant referee flags for offside against Ben Hutchinson. Chris Maxwell takes the indirect free kick.
Christian Smith sends in a cross, Scott Cuthbert manages to make a clearance.
Corner taken by Wes Baynes from the right by-line to the near post.
The ball is swung over by Curtis Obeng, clearance by Jonathan Douglas.
The offside flag is raised against Ben Hutchinson. Chris Maxwell takes the free kick.
Curtis Obeng fouled by Ben Hutchinson, the ref awards a free kick. Free kick taken by Ashley Westwood.
The ball is swung over by Neil Taylor, Lescinel Jean-Francois makes a clearance.
Billy Paynter challenges Christian Smith unfairly and gives away a free kick. Direct free kick taken by Frank Sinclair.
Correction - 9:38
Free kick taken by Curtis Obeng.
Correction - 9:38 Booking Ben Hutchinson is cautioned by the ref for unsporting behaviour.
Direct free kick taken by Curtis Obeng.
9:38 Booking Gareth Taylor is cautioned by the ref for unsporting behaviour.
Correction - 9:28
Unfair challenge on Curtis Obeng by Alan Sheehan results in a free kick.
Free kick awarded for a foul by Alan Sheehan on Curtis Obeng.
Free kick awarded for an unfair challenge on Lescinel Jean-Francois by Marc Williams. Gordon Greer restarts play with the free kick.
The ball is sent over by Christian Smith, save by David Lucas.
The assistant referee flags for offside against Marc Williams. Indirect free kick taken by David Lucas.
Gareth Taylor takes a shot. David Lucas makes a save.
The referee blows for offside against Marc Williams. Free kick taken by Gordon Greer.
Wes Baynes produces a cross, save by David Lucas.
Foul by Gareth Taylor on Simon Ferry, free kick awarded. Direct free kick taken by David Lucas.
The referee gets the game started.